Brownson U Podcast

Brownson is excited to announce the Brownson U Podcast! Listen to us in the car, on a walk, or wherever and whenever you like. We will have devotionals, bible lessons, and deep conversations about faith in today's world.

The podcast is available on most major podcast streaming platforms, including Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, TuneIn, Stitcher, and in the Brownson Church App. SUBSCRIBE with your favorite podcast platform by searching for "Brownson U Podcast."

Subscribe in the Brownson Church App to be notified when new episodes are released

To subscribe in the Brownson App:
  1. Tap the (≡) icon in the top left of the Brownson App
  2. Then tap settings
  3. Tap notifications
  4. Turn the Podcast Notifications slider on to be notified when a new podcast is available