She is clothed with strength and dignity;
she can laugh at the days to come.

Proverbs 31:25

Discover PW
If you are a woman who is a member of Brownson and supports the Presbyterian Women’s Purpose, you are already a member of PW in spirit or in action! Currently nearly 100 active members strong, our continuing goal is to increase the number of Brownson women involved in our PW church community. We encourage each of you to bring your time and talents to PW in whatever unique way you wish to contribute.  We want you and we need you!
PW Purpose
Brownson PW subscribes to the Purpose of the PW of the PC(USA) as follows:
Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ, and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves
to nurture our faith through prayer and Bible study,
to support the mission of the church worldwide,
to work for justice and peace, and
to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and witnesses to the promise of God’s kingdom.
What is a Circle?
Brownson has six Circles, which are small groups of women who gather monthly (except for summer) for Bible study, fellowship, and personal support. Circles meet at varying times.

Choose one that is convenient for you, OR consider organizing one of your own. We’d love that!
Circle 1—4th Thursday at 7 PM Atrium—Janee Cates 910-690-5075
Circle 2—2nd Tuesday at 10 AM—Linda Bryant 910-992-8256
Circle 3—2nd Monday at 12 PM—Sandra Olbon 910-603-4804
Circle 4—1st Thursday at 10:15 AM—Kathy McPherson 910-420-0413
Circle 6—2nd Monday at 10 AM Conf. Rm. B----Libby Marsh 910-690-9600
Circle 7—2nd Wednesday at 10 AM—Lisa Beck 910-639-5827 Sara James 910-690-5361

PW holds Gatherings several times a year with guest speakers in the Fall and Spring. All are welcome to attend, and childcare is provided.
Commitment to Education
Brownson PW first began providing scholarships in 1959, raising funds to support this effort through various events. Through the years, PW scholarships have been awarded to Brownson members pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or divinity school degrees. Applications are available every December for the upcoming school year. For each of the past two years, scholarships have been awarded to 10 graduating or returning students.
Coordinating Team
Brownson PW is governed by a group of annually elected leaders known as the Coordinating Team (CT). The current team members are:
2024-2025 Moderator:  Robyn Lam
Vice Moderator: Gail Cameron
Recording Secretary: Cathy Harpster
Corresponding Secretary: Priscilla McLeod
Treasurer: Blanche Woodruff
Spiritual Nurture: Rev. Elizabeth Doolin, Gatherings
Missions and Celebration Giving:  Janee Cates
Membership: Judy Oldham
Programs: Susan Bowness and Ann Edgerton
Scholarships: Linda Bryant
Historian: Elaine Sills
Parliamentarian: Barbara Ross

For information at the Presbytery level, visit:
For National PW–PC(USA), visit
2024-2025 BIBLE STUDY