Brownson Kids

Investing in the Next

Because children and youth are our future.

"Let the little children come to me,
and do not stop them; for it is to such as these
that the kingdom of God belongs."

Luke 18:16

Welcome to Brownson Kids Programs at Brownson Church! Here at Brownson, we believe it’s our responsibility to come alongside families as we show children the love of Jesus Christ, and encourage them as they grow in their knowledge of the Lord. We are excited your family is here, and look forward to getting to know you better!  Should you have any questions about Kids Programs or ways you can get involved, please contact our Director of Children and Families, Kelli Garbett, at
We believe that the love of Jesus extends from the youngest to the oldest, so we take our responsibility to love and nurture your baby very seriously. Our nursery is designed for children ages 0-3, and is staffed with incredible staff who look forward to spending time with your child each week. Upon arrival, you will be asked to sign your child in, label their personal belongings, and take a pager with you to the Sanctuary.
Brownson Kids Worship
When worshipping during both services, children may depart following the Moment with Children for Kids Worship.
Kids Worship is a time of fellowship, discipleship, music, crafts, and fun!
Kids Worship is designed for children ages 4-2nd grade, and meets in the Education Building.
Brownson Children's Choir
We are thrilled to have Children's Choir with Miss Amy! Children's Choir will meet every Sunday morning at 10:15 in Fellowship Hall.
Children are invited to get a donut, then come join Miss Amy for a time of making music together.

Immediately following music, children are invited to stay for a time of devotion using the curriculum "How Great Is Our God."
Not only will they be learning Scripture through music, but this will be a time for further faith formation in our children.

Sunday Mornings

10 am - 11 am

The Brownson Children's Choir & Devotional

8 am - 12:15 pm

We offer a full-service nursery for ages new born through age 3

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