Global Missions

reaching beyond our walls

Because it creates a life deeply connected with God.

Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.
Luke 3:11


To assist church members and their families in fulfilling the promise to “Reach Beyond our Walls,” the Global Missions Ministry Team identifies, organizes, and funds hands-on, missional service opportunities throughout the year and supports our mission partners abroad.

our Mission Co-workers

Jed & Jenny Koball

Our Mission Co-workers

Brownson Church supports PC(USA) Mission Co-workers Jed and Jenny Koball in Peru through both financial contributions as well as member mission trips.

Reverend Jed Koball assists the Peru Joining Hands Network (Red Uniendo Manos Peru). Joining Hands is an initiative of the Presbyterian Hunger Program that addresses root causes of hunger in partnership with networks of churches and non-governmental organizations in countries with high poverty rates.

Jenny Koball is the Peru site coordinator for the Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program, which sends people ages 19 to 30 to serve in communities of need in the United States and abroad. In addition to service, the YAV experience emphasizes living in intentional Christian community, spiritual formation and vocational discernment.

In 2018, Jenny and Jed welcomed their son Thiago to their family. Together they reside in Lima.
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